GeoSeries Accessor#

General methods and attributes#

xy(s, /[, reverse, frame, drop, name])

Return the x and y location of Point geometries in a GeoSeries.

radius(s, /)

Return the radius of geometry.

geoarea(s, /)

Returns a Series containing the geographic area (m2) of each geometry.

geodistance(s, /, other[, align, radius])

Returns a Series containing the `great-circle`__ distance to aligned other via haversine formula.

geodistance_matrix(s, /[, other, radius])

Returns a DataFrame containing the `great-circle`__ distances matrix between in s and other via haversine formula.

geobuffer(s, distance, /, **kwargs)

Creates geographic buffers for GeoSeries.

geocentroid(s, /[, weights, max_iter, tol])

Return the centroid of all points via the center of gravity method.

coordinates(s, /, **kwargs)

Gets coordinates from each geometry of GeoSeries.

count_coordinates(s, /)

Counts the number of coordinate pairs in each geometry of GeoSeries.

has_hole(s, /)

Check if each Polygon geometries have holes.

hole_counts(s, /)

Return the number of holes in each Polygon geometries.

toposimplify(s, /, tolerance[, ...])

Returns a GeoSeries containing a simplified representation of each geometry.


to_h3(s, /, resolution[, int_dtype])

Convert Point or Polygon to H3 cell index.

voronoi(s, /[, boundary, only_edges])

Computes a Voronoi diagram from Point geometry.

Projection handling#

cncrs_offset(s, /, from_crs, to_crs)

Fix the offset of the coordinates in China.

Active geometry handling#

drop_duplicates_geometry(s, /[, predicate, keep])

Remove duplicate geometry rows.

duplicated_geometry(s, /[, predicate, keep])

Return boolean Series denoting duplicate geometries.

duplicated_geometry_groups(s, /[, predicate])

Labels of duplicate geometries.


select_geom_type(s, geom_type, /[, complement])

Select geometries by geometry type.

Binary operator functions#

filter_geometry(s, /, other, predicate[, ...])

Filter GeoSeries via the spatial relationship between GeoSeries and geometry.

Address handling#

reverse_geocode(s, /[, provider, address, ...])

Reverse geocode Point type GeoSeries and get the corresponding addresses.